What is your craft all about?
We make all natural body care products free from synthetic fragrances, dyes and additives. They are purposeful, fun and full of quality ingredients. Our line of body care products include soaps, lip balm, bath soak, belly balm, body butter bars, body scrubs, gift sets and a lot more in the works!

What inspires you to make what you make?
Natural ingredients from Mother Nature inspire us. There are so many wonderful ingredients right in front of our nose. We are inspired to make natural products that are truly clean, beneficial and exciting to use. Customers inspire us too. We love to make people happy when they smell our body care goodies! The thought of brightening someone's day with a good bar of soap in their morning shower keeps us creating.
What is your favorite piece/product you will have with you at the Handmade Mart?
Kasey's favorite products are Handle Bar soap, Muscle Soak and Eskimo Kiss lip balm. Kelly's favorite products are Barlesque soap and Soul Kiss lip balm.
Where can folks find your craft outside the Handmade Mart?Locally (close to Silver Spring) our products can be found at Whole Foods Market, Pyramid Atlantic store, The Still Point. Our products can also be purchased from our
website where there is also a store listing.
Find us at booth #55!
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